• Money Myths
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  • 💰 No matter where you are you can turn yourself around

💰 No matter where you are you can turn yourself around

This is Money Myths - the money newsletter where you’ll learn to gain control of your money so you can stop living in chaos!

Financial Clarity Starts Here.

On today’s agenda:

  • I need money advice

  • money myth of the week

  • mini money message

  • dad joke of the week

I need money advice 🤷🏻‍♂️

Ever wish you could ask someone else what they’d do in your financial situation? Nows your chance! Send in your situation and get a CPA’s perspective.

Scenario: I’m ready to quit with my financial situation. I moved to try to make the situation better but nothing has changed. My credit card debt keeps climbing (now at $50k) and I can’t seem to make any progress. Do I just file for bankruptcy? I’ve done it once before so maybe the best option at this point. Any advice is appreciated.

What I’d do:

I’m sorry you feel so defeated.

I have one main question worth pondering for you - do you actually want to change?

I’m sorry this seems harsh, but if you’ve filed for bankruptcy once and are in the situation again (knowing no other facts than what you shared), you’re still using credit cards, then your behavior appears to indicate that you don’t want to change.

I strongly believe that no matter where you are financially, you can always turn yourself around.

It may be uncomfortable in the short term, but to be honest, you need it to be able to change.

For you, it’s really important to follow your YNAB cash plan!

Check in on your budget weekly or even twice a week to keep it accurate and to manage your P&L so you aren’t overspending and spinning the credit card wheel.

PS. My course financial launch will help you set up your YNAB budget and take control of your money 😊😊

Money myth of the week

I’m not in control of my financial situation.

Even when your bills feel like an overwhelming tsunami, you are still in control of your financial situation.

You will always be the one in control of your finances.

Take ownership of your financial life and create it in a way that you desire.

Mini money message 📲


Don’t let financial education stop you from living the financial life you deserve. #personalfinance #savingmoney #mrr #creditcards #busine... See more

Tell me your best dad joke 🤣

How do you drown a hipster? 

In the mainstream.

Got any dad jokes to share? Let ‘em rip by responding to this email. 😜

Thats it for today.

We’ll see you next week!

And if you enjoyed Money Myths, send it to a friend who would benefit from this content 🤓