šŸ’°FOMO keeps me overspending

This is Money Myths - the money newsletter where youā€™ll learn to gain control of your money so you can stop living in chaos!

Financial Clarity Starts Here.

On todayā€™s agenda:

  • I need money advice

  • money myth of the week

  • mini money message

  • dad joke of the week

I need money advice šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø

Ever wish you could ask someone else what theyā€™d do in your financial situation? Nowā€™s your chance! Send in your situation and get a CPAā€™s perspective.

Scenario: I overspend on going out with friends. I enjoy going out, but I donā€™t like the feeling of guilt every time I spend money. How do I get over this?

What Iā€™d do:

Totally relate to you here - Iā€™ve felt the same way!

There are 2 ways to help conquer this feeling.

1. Take a step back and ask yourself what you want your money for.

If you want to save for the long term and you currently arenā€™t then this could be a source of guilt for you.

Zoom out to the big picture. Align your spending habits to your goals.

If quality time with your friends is important, then align the spending to the goal. Partying at the clubs may not be the quality time youā€™re looking for. Maybe you feel greater connection at dinner and shift the spending to that category?

2. Build your budget in YNAB

Instead of looking at your bank account and seeing you have money, youā€™ll look at your YNAB account and see what job the money has.

If youā€™ve got more money assigned to your going out category, then go for it!

If you donā€™t have the money and still want to go out, then move money from elsewhere in your budget to cover the spending.

See, budgeting isnā€™t restrictiveā€¦itā€™s just a dynamic, freeing plan for your cash!

Have a financial situation you want help with? Reply to this email šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š

Money myth of the week

Budgeting is too restrictive.

When you think about budgeting as chains that prevent you from enjoying life, then yes itā€™s a burden.

But when you think of a budget like bowling bumpers for your finances, you can bounce off them and youā€™ll eventually achieve the goal of hitting the pins (or retiring or whatever your goal is).

Budgeting creates freedom.

It aligns your spending habits to your goals. Remove the feeling of needing to be perfect with your budget.

Itā€™s just a plan that helps guide you.

Mini money message šŸ“²


Does your FOMO keep you overspending, too? Hereā€™s a simple solution for you. #personalfinance #savingmoney #mrr #creditcards #businessowne... See more

Tell me your best dad joke šŸ¤£

What did Baby Corn say to Mama Corn?

Where's Pop Corn?

Got any dad jokes to share? Let ā€˜em rip by responding to this email. šŸ˜œ

Thatā€™s it for today.

Weā€™ll see you next week!

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