• Money Myths
  • Posts
  • 💰I go over budget too much so I just quit

💰I go over budget too much so I just quit

This is Money Myths - the money newsletter where you’ll learn to gain control of your money so you can stop living in chaos!

Financial Clarity Starts Here.

On today’s agenda:

  • I need money advice

  • money myth of the week

  • mini money message

  • dad joke of the week

I need money advice 🤷🏻‍♂️

Ever wish you could ask someone else what they’d do in your financial situation? Now’s your chance! Send in your situation and get a CPA’s perspective.

Scenario: I fix my budget and feel good about it but then I buy something that wasn’t budgeted for, I get down on myself, and then I stop maintaining my budget. I feel guilty for buying the item and then I feel guilty for not maintaining my budget. Any advice to help get through this?

What I’d do:

This is one of the hardest things to wrap you’re head around…


I know its hard to accept anything less than perfection and you feel like you need too, especially because you created a plan.

But the goal isn’t perfection!

The goal is just to have a plan for your money.

And when the plan doesn’t happen, you have an easy way to adjust your plan (this is why I love YNAB).

So here’s my advice - give yourself some grace and accept that the goal of budgeting is not to be perfect.

Focus your goal with budgeting on keeping it going so that you can have a dynamic plan.

Have a financial situation you want help with? Reply to this email 😊😊

Money myth of the week

If I am going to budget, I need to be perfect.

You don’t and you won’t be perfect.

Don’t think of budgeting as this rigid process that must be followed.

It’s just guidelines and a general plan to follow so you know the ideal way to spend your money.

We’re human - we follow our impulses and like to break routine.

That’s okay - just come back to the plan and adjust.

Mini money message 📲


4 Budgeting Myths 💸💸 and How to break through them #personalfinance What is holding you back from taking control of your spending habits?... See more

Tell me your best dad joke 🤣

How do you follow Will Smith in the snow?

You follow the fresh prints.

Got any dad jokes to share? Let ‘em rip by responding to this email. 😜

That’s it for today.

We’ll see you next week!

And if you enjoyed Money Myths, send it to a friend who would benefit from this content 🤓I go over budget too much so I just quit