• Money Myths
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  • 💰 This is how you get better at managing your money

💰 This is how you get better at managing your money

This is Money Myths - the money newsletter where you’ll learn to gain control of your money so you can stop living in chaos!

Financial Clarity Starts Here.

On today’s agenda:

  • I need money advice

  • money myth of the week

  • mini money message

  • dad joke of the week

I need money advice 🤷🏻‍♂️

Ever wish you could ask someone else what they’d do in your financial situation? Nows your chance! Send in your situation and get a CPA’s perspective.


Every time I clean up my finances, I keep it maintained for like a week, then I fall off the wagon. Two weeks go by. Then three. Then I feel too overwhelmed to get it organized again. I keep falling into this pattern. Any tips on getting out of it?

What I’d do:

Build a routine.

Look at your calendar and block a recurring time where you can show up for yourself.


Something about putting it in the calendar makes it more concrete.

I’ve personally had to have this talk with myself…

If someone else blocks time with me, I show up on time and ready to go. I even feel anxious if I’m a minute late. But why when I block time for myself do I not show up?

Would someone who respects themselves not show up for themselves?

So, show up for yourself!

And if this doesn’t work, then the question goes a bit deeper.

Do you even want to change?

If your behavior indicates you don’t want to change, then accept that you’ll be in that situation until you decide its important enough to do something different.

Money behavior is a trip.

Have a financial situation you want help with? Reply to this email 😊😊

Money myth of the week

In order to budget, I need to be perfect at following what I said I’ll do.

You’ll NEVER be perfect with your budget so stop beating yourself up about your overspending. It’s more important to roll with the punches…because life happens.

When you overspend, just come back to the purpose of your plan - to know where you spend your money so you can create wealth.

Tell me your best dad joke 🤣

Why shouldn't you lend money to elves?

Because they're always short!

Got any dad jokes to share? Let ‘em rip by responding to this email. 😜

Thats it for today.

We’ll see you next week!

And if you enjoyed Money Myths, send it to a friend who would benefit from this content 🤓